Pipelines breakTracer demystifies your errors
Monitor and fix broken pipelines using a bioinformatics error databaseBioinformagician?
You've likely encountered these headaches
Spending countless hours deciphering cryptic error messages on GitHub, Biostars, or StackOverflow
Sifting through endless log messages buried in hard-to-navigate log files without clear visibility on the root cause issue
Repeating days-long pipelines due to unidentified miss configurations eventually causing crashes near completion
Integrate quickly,
track errors & pipelines automagically
Error insights
Get real-time information when something went wrong and how to fix it
1 platform for all
Tracer platform centralizes all pipeline information, independent of the framework or orchestration language used
System of record
Automatically track what tools and parameters you used, and check back anytime
Pipeline status
Track whether your pipeline is still running and get alerted when something goes wrong
Share with anybody
Add wetlab scientists or other collaborators to your project and create reports for meetings
Optimize for speed and cost
Compare any metric for any pipeline, run, tool, and user
Terminal Output Streaming for Workflows
File Previews for Pipeline Results
File Uploads for Pipeline Results
Release v0.0.19 on July 27th - Dual Navigation System by Vincent,Laura
Release v0.0.18 on July 17th - Automated Run Detection and Dataset Display by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Release v0.0.17 on July 15th - Set up Backend API for Error Detection by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Release v0.0.16 on July 12th - Add Java FastQC Library to Targets List by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Release v0.0.15 on July 8th - Data Model Updates OpenTelemetry by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Release v0.0.14 on July 3rd - Updates to Metrics Display for Run Details by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Release v0.0.13 on July 2nd - Process Identification Improvements by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Release v0.0.12 on June 30th - Record Execution Configurations with Parameter Flags by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Release v0.0.11 on June 29th - CLI Enhancements to Boost Accuracy in Tracking by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Release v0.0.10 on June 27th - Receive Email Notifications by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Release v0.0.9 on June 24th - Grafana Integration by Vincent, Laura, Tushar
Release v0.0.8 on June 21st - Run Tracer as a Daemon Background Service by Vincent,Laura,Tushar
Upcoming Auto-Instrumentation and Error Database Releases by Vincent, Laura, Tushar
Tracer Secures Oversubscribed Angel Round for Biology Observability by Vincent, Laura, Tushar
Tool analytics by Vincent
Introducing flowsheets by Vincent
Pipeline Runs and 1-line-of-code Integration by Vincent
Read the full changelog ...
The latest updates and releases from Tracer